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第1章 Contiki Hello World实验 时间:2014-09-18      来源:未知

本实验定期的打印“hello world”,并且计数打印的个数。第二线程被称作“blink”,实现LEDs的高速闪烁(如果在Hello world线程里,可能实现不了这么快的速度)。

C++ Code

#include "contiki.h"
        #include "dev/leds.h"
        #include <stdio.h> /* For printf() */
        /* We declare the two processes */
        PROCESS(hello_world_process, "Hello world process");
        PROCESS(blink_process, "LED blink process");
        /* We require the processes to be started automatically */
        AUTOSTART_PROCESSES(&hello_world_process, &blink_process);
        /* Implementation of the first process */
        PROCESS_THREAD(hello_world_process, ev, data)
                // variables are declared static to ensure their values are kept
                // between kernel calls.
                static struct etimer timer;
                static int count = 0;
                // any process mustt start with this.
                // set the etimer module to generate an event in one second.
                etimer_set(&timer, CLOCK_CONF_SECOND);
                while (1)
                        // wait here for an event to happen
                        // if the event is the timer event as expected...
                        if(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER)
                                // do the process work
                                printf("Hello, world #%i\n", count);
                                count ++;
                                // reset the timer so it will generate an other event
                                // the exact same time after it expired (periodicity guaranteed)
                        // and loop
                // any process must end with this, even if it is never reached.
        /* Implementation of the second process */
        PROCESS_THREAD(blink_process, ev, data)
                static struct etimer timer;
                static uint8_t leds_state = 0;
                while (1)
                        // we set the timer from here every time
                        etimer_set(&timer, CLOCK_CONF_SECOND / 4);
                        // and wait until the vent we receive is the one we're waiting for
                        PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER);
                        // update the LEDs
                        leds_state += 1;


a) 声明线程PROCESS(name, strname),name线程名字,strname对线程名字的描述。

b) AUTOSTART_PROCESSES(&hello_world_process, &blink_process)开启线程。

c) PROCESS_THREAD(hello_world_process, ev, data)线程宏定义。

第一个参数lc是英文全称是local continuation(本地延续?,这个不好翻译),它可以说就是protothread的控制参数,因为protothread的精华在C的switch控制语句,这个lc就是switch里面的参数;

第二个参数就是timer给这个进程传递的事件了,其实就是一个unsigned char类型的参数,具体的参数值在process .h中定义;




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